A few minutes away from my apartment, and yet a few hours late another week in a row for the posting. I enjoy bringing out the saturation of the reds, especially in the gray Seattle winter. Cannot wait to get…
Freeze Frame
On a chilly night, Jenn and I were walking around downtown Seattle, and I saw the monorail screaming down the track. After three or four trains passing me, I knew I wanted to capture. I need to bring a tripod…
New to me!
During last weekend I went for a walk with one of my friends in Seattle, to poke around a couple sights we’ve wanted to capture. This picture is at First and Union Street in downtown Seattle. I liked this picture…
Seattle Walkabout
A week ago my wife, and I went for a walk to capture something that we found interesting, something that was not the typical Seattle skyline. As we walked we found great perspectives, local landmarks, and if nothing else, really…
Final Catch Up
In a place that is foretasted to have 20+ inches of snow in the next 24 hours, I want to remind you that just three weeks ago today, there were Daffodils in full bloom. Hope this poor little guy has a…
More Catch Up
With a couple more weeks to make up for I decided to include a picture from the day I got my camera, a bitterly cold night, 40 stories in the air in Downtown Seattle. While shivering I toyed with the…
Playing Catch Up
With my first picture of the week being posted in the forth week of the year I have some ground to make up. The second picture is from the Homosassa Springs Florida State Park, a few weeks ago. This Great…
First Picture of the Week
I am starting a challenge, to post at least one photo every week. My attempt is to minimize the post processing on the photo and just work on technique and ideally improve my creative escapes. Week One’s photos is from…